Xcom 2 walkthrough part 19 terror mission
Xcom 2 walkthrough part 19 terror mission

xcom 2 walkthrough part 19 terror mission

Terror missions are by far the highest payoff and highest stakes missions in the game it's just not immediately obvious because there's no happy green numbers or pat on the back when you're done. If you give them too many bases, you will get fucking steamrolled down the line whether or not you "saved" your troops from the risk of that one terror mission. Every base gets them bonus research every month and a country that they can harvest resources in with impunity. I want to ignore them." So the aliens get a base and you lose a country. "But computeraddict," you intone, "they're still just brutal. So instead we have this bass ackwards system of limited increases. if a country is at 90 panic and you try to increase it by 36, it caps at 100, so if you save 6 civilians the panic would wind up being lower than when the aliens launched the mission, which makes no sense. It would make more sense for the panic to increase in the country and continent when the mission is launched and every saved civvie reduces it, but that can't happen because of the panic cap. You feel like you're being punished even if you do well.

Xcom 2 walkthrough part 19 terror mission mod#

What you're suffering from is a limitation of how the mod has to present the information. Getting behind on XP or cash early snowballs hard against you as the game progresses, whereas getting an edge helps you snowball your lead into mid game. Oh, and why you don't want to skip them? You really can't afford to miss the XP for your troops or cash for the alien bodies early on.

xcom 2 walkthrough part 19 terror mission

The reason? Aliens, especially floaters, love to target civvies instead of XCOM. After you get a little bit of equipment and some veterans, these actually become easier to keep everyone (troops) alive than abductions or UFOs. You shouldn't be losing soldiers to any mission type on a regular basis such a thing is a sign of doing something wrong.

Xcom 2 walkthrough part 19 terror mission